True collaboration is only achieved through a participatory approach. For time sake some organizations prefer a top-down approach. We, however, do not believe that these methods are optimal. Rather, through proven collaborative methods the strengths of all are leveraged. Resources and talents are used most effectively and efficiently. This commitment to the whole ensures that your organization will be positioned from a point of strength. Nimble and prepared for changes to come. Through collaboration CLEAR Strategies will ensure your organization has identified the most pressing issues. Has clearly defined goals utilizing the most robust processes and a framework in place to clearly illustrate a comprehensive and cohesive plan based on action and results.
Strategic Consulting
The CLEAR Strategies approach ensures that your organization will develop its strategy based on consensus, will utilize a variety of planning techniques to define both short and long-term goals, and will successfully execute its action plan to produce sustainable solutions.
- Form the structure of your organization empowering members collectively
- Develop an organization or new initiative with a clearly thought out mission, vision, value statement
- Formulate a long-term plan that will result in measurable outcomes
Leadership relies upon the respect of others and the humility to recognize that no one person is above another. Our philosophy is encourage, nudge and steer you towards your desired outcomes. To help keep your ship on course a captain is essential. At CLEAR Strategies we are that captain. We are the glue that holds your plan together. We are the conduit to connect you to others who share your passion.
Together we will ensure that you are engaging stakeholders utilizing proven IAP2 Public Participation methods. You will learn: Who they are, What matters most to them, How to engage new and differing perspectives, and Why understanding them is important to the success of your effort.
- Build a communications plan and unifying message tailored to your audience
- Utilize analysis of organizational cultures, public opinions and attitudes
- Enact a system to monitor changing perceptions and ongoing dialogue, and Identify critical issues with tailored response strategies
Empowerment happens when purpose and passion collide. Engaging in a participatory approach to collaboration creates a wholeness, a togetherness, and a sense of family resulting in trust, honesty and willingness to share ideas. When it is necessary to seek other partners and resources, this sense of empowerment will inspire members to expand the network of support. Your organization will be better equipped to serve the community when more are involved and vested in the success of your initiative.
We will help you embrace fresh perspectives and new ways of thinking. Opposing and challenging opinions require us to see beyond our own landscape, to look for new uncharted territories. What is uncovered in many cases is common ground. Utilizing an open approach creates respect and value of your team’s new collective commitment to sharing resources.
Learn to use participation techniques to enhance knowledge and engagement of your members so that feel more empowered when planning
Utilize tools to help your organization envision and articulate what success will look like, who will be positively impacted, and how your efforts will be sustained
Leverage support through community workshops, social media campaigns, focus groups, and town hall meetings
CLEAR Strategies believes that by action, anyone can achieve their goals. We encourage a philosophy that says we don’t plan to plan, we plan to act, to change lives, and to ensure that our efforts are sustained for the future. Using well-thought out implementation strategies will make this happen. CLEAR Strategies at its root defines how to deploy and execute a plan by carefully describing each element: Why, What, Who, When, Where, and How.
Using well-thought out implementation strategies ensure that planning turns into tangible actions and measurable results. These strategies define how the execution of the plan will be made possible by defining elements of action: why action is required; what the purpose is; who the parties are and commitment needed; when deployment will happen; where resources are needed; and, how they be utilized.
- Save time by minimizing frustration and maximizing your chances for success by formulating and executing a results-driven action plan that focuses on measurable outcomes
- Identify diverse revenue streams: fundraising, grant writing, event planning, membership, tailored solicitations
How will your plan change lives? Will you be able to measure that change? Funders and investors expect to see an impactful result of their investment. Sadly, without measuring activities, sometimes we don’t achieve our results, or are unsure of our impact. Without making substantive structural improvements, many projects fail to meet their intended impact. CLEAR Strategies will ensure your plan has developed an innovative approach to ensure that you can report the impact. Each plan will detail what measurable outcomes are pursued and essential actions that will lead to your desired outcomes. We will help your organization quantify the impact of your plan and initiative to funders, investors and constituents.
Impact Reporting
Our approach requires that every plan be measurable. When you are soliciting the support for your organization or initiative, funders will ask, “what will be the result of my investment?” Not unlike business dealings, organizations whose mission is to promote positive social change are best supported when the impact is sustainable.
- Develop an innovative approach to illustrate impact: percent of population, measurable impact on economic prosperity and people served with stories of changed lives
- Advance the visibility of your work through all methods of media relations
- Utilize the findings to create a platform for public policy advocacy and build a plan for sustainability of your effort